Writing a quick heads up here to let you know that I’ll have a booth at several events this spring.
The first event, February 17th and 18th, is at the annual Organic Alberta conference in Lacombe, AB. Very much looking forward to this event and networking with some very neat people!
The second event, March 18th, is at Calgary Seedy Saturday. If you’re in the Calgary area, and you’d like to order a tool and avoid shipping, this is a great opportunity to do so. I’ll be bringing all the tools ordered to date with me to the Seedy Saturday event. I’m looking forward to meeting some of my customers in person.
Finally, I’ll be at the Edmonton Seedy Sunday on March 19th. Again, anyone in the Edmonton area who’d rather pickup an ordered tool instead of shipping it, should give this some consideration.
As for news from the forge, I’ve added a new tool to my production list: the rice knife! It’s a small, lightweight sickle that makes quick work of cutting. Have a look!